Principled. Experienced. Conservative.

Re-elect your Republican Representative Clark Stith for House District 48

Meet Clark

Clark is your current Republican Legislator serving the constituents of House District 48. Clark has represented your interests in Legislature since 2017.

Vote on Aug. 20th to re-elect Clark Stith

Top Issues

  • Shrinking State Government

    During the last Session, the Legislature passed the smallest budget in a decade. We are doing more with less and effectively shrinking state government.

  • Protecting the Second Amendment

    My voting history demonstrates my strong support for the 2nd Amendment. In 2018, I proudly co-sponsored stand-your-ground legislation.

  • Supporting Wyoming's Economy

    I’m a champion for innovation and as a small business owner myself, I’m committed to fostering a strong pro-business climate. As part of this effort, I sponsored the bill to fund phase one of the Bitter Creek Restoration Project.

  • Defending our Natural Resources

    Wyoming’s natural resources are abundant. From wildlife, oil and gas, trona mines, and others. I am diligently working to support these resources and ensure Wyoming has the right to manage and develop these as we see fit - not the Federal Government.

  • Education

    Wyoming’s future is our children. We must invest in education. That means cutting the bloat at the top and making sure our teachers are competitively compensated. Dollars should be spent closest to Wyoming students.